Hadley, Eliza
Owner and Location
- Owner: Eliza Hadley
- Lot: 9
- Block: 22
- Section: 7
- Purchase Date: 1/6/1908
Burial Information
- Burial(s): Hadley, Eliza
- Burial Date: 2/8/1915
- Death Certificate Date: 2/5/1915
- Notes: Lizzie
- Family Search Link: GZWZ-B8H
Headstone Information
- Survey: Legible
- Name: Hadley, Eliza
- Verbiage: My Mama; Eliza Hadley; Born; Nov. 4 1840; Died; Feb. 5, 1915; At Rest
- Year of Birth: 1840
- Year of Death: 1915