Lights, Pearl
Owner and Location
- Owner: F. L. Lights
- Lot: 47
- Block: 9
- Section: 4
- Purchase Date:
Burial Information
- Burial(s): Lights, Pearl
- Burial Date:
- Death Certificate Date:
- Notes: Headstone reads: Pearl Augusta Lights "Devoted wife and loving mother" June 17, 1875 - Oct. 23, 1912 age 37 years, 4 months, 6 days
- Family Search Link:
Headstone Information
- Survey: legible
- Name: Pearl Augusta Lights
- Verbiage: Devoted wife and loving mother born june 17, 1875 died oct 23, 1912 age 37 yrs 4 mo 6day asleep in Jesus
- Year of Birth: 1875
- Year of Death: 1912